February 2021 – It’s been a very cold and snowy couple of weeks here, so we’ve been busy in the office rather than the fields. There’s been lots to think about, and we’ve been finalising our sowing and planting plans for the year. These cover not only our edible flowers, but also the loads of vegetables we grow. 

We’ve also been looking further ahead beyond 2021, so we thought we’d start our blog with a picture which we think represents the possibilities and the changes which we’re planning for here at Haywood Garth Farm, like this space which is on its way to becoming a new growing plot. 

We’re going to be using this blog to keep you updated about how things are developing here – our products, our land and everything which lives here, and what we’re doing with all the things we grow. We hope you enjoy following our progress through 2021 and beyond! You’ll be able to find our most recent posts immediately below this introduction.